Course curriculum
Importance of Savings
An Introduction to Becoming a Saver!
Meet Bonita
Bonita's Current Financial Situation
What have you learned so far?
Discovering the Importance of Saving with Bonita
Bonita's Experiences with Unexpected Expenses
What has Bonita's journey taught you so far?
Establishing an Emergency Fund
What have you learned so far?
Exploring Savings Plans with Bonita
Bonita's Need to Develop a Savings Plan
Setting Savings Goals with Bonita's Aspirations
Identifying Areas to Cut Back and Save with Bonita's Budget
Tips for Building an Emergency Savings
Download and Complete Your Emergency Savings Plan
Automate Your Way into Saving
What Have You Learned So Far?
The Path to Staying Motivated
Bonita's Challenges in Staying Motivated to Save
Bonita's Starts Following a Concrete Savings Plan
One Final Look At Bonita's Journey
Bonita Recaps Her Journey
Working with a HOPE Coach
Congratulations for Completing this Journey!
About this course
- Free
- 25 lessons
- 0 hours of video content